Pins, Tie Bars & Tie Tack

Wing & Wheel Pin (#255)

Metal Wing & Wheel Pin. $4.25.

Length: 1" (top to bottom)

Small Shield Pin (#256)

Small Shield Pin with CHP badge and blue enamel. Designed with the safety pin backing. $4.00.

Length: 10/16" (top to bottom)

Width: 10/16" (across)

Large Shield Pin (#257)

Large Shield Pin with CHP badge and blue enamel. Designed with 2 standard fasteners at the back. $6.00.

Length: 1 1/2" 

Width: 1 1/4"

Senior Volunteers: can purchase this pin as the cap piece for Navy Campaign hats

Gold Badge Pin (#596)

CHP Gold Badge Pin with a standard, single fastener in the back. $5.00. 

Length: 1 1/8" all sides

Breast Cancer Awareness Pin (#193)

Breast Cancer Awareness Pin with CHP Badge. $3.25. 

Length: 1"

Flat CHP Badge Piece (#1522)

Metal CHP Badge flat display piece (Air Ops Pilot). No clutches or pin fasteners on the back. Great for crafting! $4.00.

Length: 1/2" all sides

Flat CHP Shield Piece (#1521) 

Metal CHP Shield/Crest flat display piece (Air Ops Observer). No clutches or pin fasteners on the back. Great for crafting! $2.45.

Length: 5/8" (top to bottom)

Width: 1/2" (across)

Badge/Star Pin (#236)

CHP Star Pin. Standard, single pin fastener in the back. $4.75.

Length: 1/2"

Gold Memorial Pin (#192)

CHP Gold Memorial Pin with a standard, single fastener in the back. $3.75.

Length: 1"

US Flag Pin (#1210)

USA Flag Pin. $2.00. 

Length: 5/8" 

US Flag & Air Force Pin (#288)

Air Force & American Flag Pin. $3.00

Length: 30mm

US Flag & Army Pin (#220)

Army & American Flag Pin. $3.00.

Length: 30mm

US Flag & Marine Pin (#156)

Marine & American Flag pin. $3.00.

Length: 30mm

US Flag & Coast Guard Pin (#328)

Coast Guard & American Flag pin. $3.00.

Length: 30mm

US Flag & Navy Pin (#233)

Navy & American Flag pin. $3.00.

Length: 30mm

Gold Tie Tack (#238)

CHP Gold Star Tie Tack with chain and bar. The star itself measures ~1/2" and the length of the tie tack is ~2 3/4" long. $5.25. 

Gold Tie Bar w/ Badge (#111)

Gold Tie Bar with CHP Badge. $18.00.

Tie sold separately.

Plain Gold Tie Bar (#240)

Plain Gold 5/16" Tie Bar. $7.50.

Tie sold separately.